My husband is a big board game fanatic. We have a lot of strategy and cooperative games, but that are also party games and easy to learn and play quickly. Target has a current promotion for buy 2 get 1 game free (until 11/5/16), so I'm going to share the favorites from our house! Ticket to Ride This game has won "best of" awards, and comes in the original game, for ages 8 and up. An easy strategy game to follow, you pick colors and build trains. There are bonus cards for connecting certain routes, and the longest train at the end earns bonus points as well. It's fun because you don't know if people completed their "bonus" or not so you can be in the lead at the end, but once all the points are added up you can easily lose. Comes in a junior version, and some other versions that change the location. Pie Face Showdown Last year's hit game was Pie Face and this is a new version of that. The original version was fun for kids and adults (discla...