Happy New Year! Since we are all about savings at Delaware Deal Finder , let's take a look at when will be the best time to buy certain products as we move through 2018. These suggestions are based on my own experience monitoring sale cycles and are as accurate as my opinion of them, but I've gotten pretty good at this shopping sales gig so here we go... January 1. Bedding and linens - yes we start off the year with "white sales" so time to stock up on towels and sheets! 2. Fitness equipment and clothing - an obvious category aimed at everyone tackling new years resolutions. February 1. TVs - hello Superbowl! Can't host a party without having the biggest screen to watch the game on! 2. Winter products - people are already complaining that bathingsuits are out in January, so February is when stores will really want to get winter items out the door before stocking spring items in March. 3. Home goods - president's day means sales at ever...